Country Roads, Country Buses
On the road to/from Wykoff
The Offer Part 1
SVW Bus Lines
Fall 2025 Schedule
8:00 Buses Arrive at KSV from morning bus routes
KW students transfer to SVW bus(es)
SVW Bus Lines Schedule
8:15 Leave KSV
8:30 Arrive KW
8:45 Leave KW
9:00 Arrive KSV
11:15 Leave KSV
11:30 Arrive KW
11:45 Leave KW
12:00 Arrive kSV
2:15 Leave KSV
2:30 Arrive KW
2:45 Leave KW
3:00 Arrive KSV
KW students transfer to afternoon bus routes
3:15 Buses leave KSV on afternoon bus routes
Bus rides between Spring Valley and Wykoff available to all community members on an as-space-available basis
This is an example of how the 8 mile distance between the communities of Spring Valley and Wykoff can be bridged for far less cost than the proposed 11.5 million on the table.
[n ing buses to bridge the differrence
Kingsland is projecting class sizes of 41+/- for foreseeable future
At 20 per teaching class = 2 classrooms per grade
typical school bus ocupancy is 48 with 2 per seat
Thus one bus holds one full grade = two classrooms
\Two buses = 2 grades, 4 classrooms
Note: All schedules, etc are for the purposes of example only and to better show how this could work. They in no way represent Kingsland or any other group policy or position.
Kingsland - Spring Valley (KSV) Kingsland -Wykoff (KW)
8:00 buses arrive from morning routes
8:15 1st hour KSV classes begin
KW buses leave
8:30 KW buses arrive
8:45 1st hour KW classes/gym begin
9:15 2nd hour KSV classes begin
9:45 2nd hour KW classes/gym begin
10:15 3rd hour KSV classes begin
10:45 3rd hour KW classes/gym begin
11:15 4th hour KSV classes begin
KW buses leave
11:30 buses arrive w/afternoon students
11:45 buses leave taking morning KW
students back to SV
12:00 buses arrive SV
12:15 lunch